Thursday 21 January 2016

Pre-op assessment - going on a voyage to an unknown land...

The last two days have been all about preparing for the operation. I am beginning to feel as if I am embarking on a voyage to an unknown land and I need to get my passport, immunisations, foreign currency,  guidebook and expedition clothing sorted.

The first pre-operative task was to have blood collected so the doctors can assess my kidney function etc and also match my blood type (in case I require a blood transfusion). The surgical coordinator wanted me to have the blood collected down in Wellington because she was not sure of whether the Hawke's Bay service would be able to reliably send them by results within a week. I was also concerned about this as my initial X-rays were "lost" for two weeks because they were sent to a mystery location - not the address on the form or the address I repeated verbally and with a yellow post-it note. 

Once I had found the pathology lab (yes - the lab had been renamed and had moved approx 500m -the information I was supplied was out of date) the phlebotomists didn't want to take my blood. They wanted me to come back next Wednesday to be "collected". I wasnt that pleased and explained that I had driven three hours to get the blood taken and that I was following the instructions of the surgeon. Just at that moment the surgical coordinator just happened to phone me and she confirmed the instructions she had given me... Eventually the phlebotomist conceded to take the samples but gave me a stern warning that I might have to have them done again next week! In all I spent an hour at the lab and was nearly late for my next appointment with Sam.

Sam, the new grad physiotherapist, was assigned to do a pre-operative assessment of my knee and my overall physical health.  Sam talked through what I should expect from the operation, some of the exercises I would need to do post-operatively and he showed me how to use crutches. Apparently I am also going to be using one of those Nana-walkers as I relearn how to walk. Sam seemed a bit surprised that I was taking notes of our conversation - but it helps me remember all the information at a later stage. 

Sam and I also had an interesting conversation about post operative pain. He said that surgical pain is quite different from the long lasting deep angry pain that I currently experience. Yes - that is exactly how it feels.  The other thing he said was that the surgical pain is pain you can push through - it will change and you can exercise through it carefully. I find this fascinating.  I have also just talked to Vanessa about pain and my expectations. Vanessa repeated the message of making sure I listened to my body and pain signals so that I don't get overwhelmed by pain and it doesn't spiral. I also need to spend time over the next week watching people using their knees. This will help me be more mindful of the way I need to use my new knee.

Continuing with my pre op To Do List, I headed off to my dentist to get my fangs checked out. I was somewhat anxious about this in case there was some awful unexpected surprise lurking in the X-rays. Any dental infection could have meant a delay in the operation in order to reduce the risk of bone infection. So I was hugely relieved to get a clean bill of oral health. Sweet!

The final part of my preparation for my trip into this unknown land was to secure my "expedition clothing".   I need to take along some nighties however I only own 1 nightie which is about 4 sizes too large (I bought it about 15 years ago). I do own some PJs but they won't be suitable as I need to have my legs free from coverings. So I have boldly headed off to explore the wild world of night attire. But frankly it is a world inhabited by lots of skimpy, slinky and pastel wear - not my scene at all. I couldn't bear to try the slinky-wear on. So I needed to think laterally to come up with something tolerable. I have found a great alternative - some bright coloured 5xl t-shirts which are voluminous. Plus I will also be able to use my fantastic Marimekko pocket dress I bought in Helsinki several years ago. It is modest yet and best of all  - it is fun and it make me feel happy whenever I wear it.  I now feel as prepared as I can be for my expedition. Bring on next week!

Finally, thanks to all the people who have been so supportive of my blog and my journey. I feel very honoured to have your support and aroha. xx

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