Monday 1 February 2016

Up, up and away ....

2 February 20916: Discharge day dawns. 

I have made huge progress in the last 24 hours:
- I can hoist my leg in and out of the bed with a towel
- I can use crutches to go up and down the corridor
- I can go to the toilet by myself
- my BP is normal
- I can lift my heel and hope leg up from the bed
- my pain is now about 3-4
- my bowels are working (after having a significant holiday).

I have one more Physio session this morning before departure. Yesterday I attempted my first stairs. It was exhausting and quite emotional. Getting upstairs with crutches was ok - but coming down was frightening. Even though the Physio stood in front of me to catch me in case I toppled, there is something precipitous about leaning forward down into the crutches. I don't know why, but I broke into a sweat and then tears. So I need to practice ascending and descending the stairs some more today!

My knee has been x-rayed and the implant seems to be well adhered. They use a type of cement to secure the implant rather than screws. I remember the discomfort and pain my mother had with one of her knee replacements when they used screws that protruded into the surrounding flesh. It was agony for her for more than a year until they agreed to replace the screw.

Wakefield hospital has been a very calming place to be. It is quiet, I have a lovely view of Wellington from my room. The food is pretty good and the best part is the kindness of the nurses. They are gentle and proficient and very encouraging. They have been very active in managing my pain, considerate giving me regular ice packs and coming in for a chatty check-up.

Yesterday I had some lovely visitors; Mary came bringing cherries, home grown plums and a book. She also gave me a gentle foot massage (to the amusement of the surgeon who popped in while she was mid- massage); Leonie popped-in again (she lived next door to the hospital) along with Jenny with her broken clavicle, Mum and Peter.

The surgeon said that he has realigned my leg so it is now straight and I can flatten it. So no more hunching and stooping. I have some butt clenching exercises to do, along with foot extension slides etc. It has great to see the progress and it will be exciting to move to the next phase.

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